My daughter went to Grandma’s this past weekend. When she arrived home she told me all the fun things they had done together, a few of them being, shopping for clothes and going to a tanning booth. Yes, Grandma tanned also. Wow times have changed. Going to Grandma’s house was a different adventure for me when I was growing up. Grandma and Grandpa did not drive, so every other Friday night we would make the 45 minute drive to Grandma’s and spend the whole weekend. We would not leave to come home until after dark on Sunday. Our weekends would be spent taking them to the grocery, and running any general errands for them. Other then that, we would spend all our time at Grandma’s. They had a large grape arbor, we would sit under that and play with our Barbie’s, or read a book. We spent a lot of time playing crazy 8’s and rummy. In the winter we would sit in the parlor room and play games. Evenings we children got to watch the tv while the adults played canasta. During the summer I would spend weeks at a time with Grandma. She taught me to crochet and would give me some change to walk to the ice cream shop. If we needed groceries we would walk blocks to the store pulling a little cart that would hold the grocery sacks on the trip home. She did her laundry in a ringer washer in the basement and this was in the 70’s. I can’t imagine going tanning with Grandma. Tans were received while out picking cherries for pies, or grapes to make jam. I miss her horribly but I still get that sense of excitement of spending time with Grandma every time my daughter comes home from her Grandparents.
This is a quilt I made in memory of my Grandma. All the little items attached are things she made and gave to me.