Well this certainly has been a learning process! I now know what I do and don't want to do in making these. I need to move my flowers over next time around so they are not so close to the outer edge. The rick rack covered the leaves up somewhat. But I am not even certain I like the rick rack so will have to think on that one. I did like finishing the edges off with the buttonhole stitch. After I had the top piece done I fused it to a wool backing. The fusible gave it some stiffness. I had said these were to be in our style. Since I work a lot in wool I thought I would go that route. Making around 12 of these I am beginning to think it would be a lot easier to embellish a larger piece of fabric and then cut it into 12 pieces. But I know that is not the purpose of our small group doing this. I believe the purpose is so we each have a little bit of each other!