Some of you had commented on my Polka Dot Garden design. I confess; I am a doodler. I get a thought in my head and immediately have to scratch it out on paper somewhere.
I have zero artistic ability so it is hard for the normal person to decipher my ideas. If I wait too long I can lose it in translation myself. Polka Dot Garden came about a few years ago when I heard the quote from Grandma Moses – Life is what you make it always has been always will be. I immediately thought that if I had to choose my life would be one big happy polka dot garden and then I put it on paper. That is as far as it has gotten. Another recent doodle comes from that silly show “Even Stevens” on the Disney Channel. Louis Stevens said “If a chicken had lips could it whistle”? I could not get that out of my mind. So my interpretation was doodled out on paper. Not showing this one as you couldn’t tell my chicken from an apple. Our guild has a challenge every other year. Our challenge for the year 2008 is to make a house quilt. I really didn’t plan on participating but a few weeks ago I saw a sign in a shop that read “home is where your story begins”. I jotted it down and within minutes had my challenge quilt scribbled out on an index card I had in my purse. Of course these are just working ideas, but I thought I would show you how my mind works. I think it would be funny to have one “big” Tonya style wonky house with the saying above it. Then my family’s names, etc. ending with and they lived happily ever after.
I have a whole book of doodles. Sometimes I try to re-draw them into bigger doodles, other times I just tape the post –it or checkbook deposit slip that has been drawn on right into the book.
I have always been a lover of words. As a young girl I would check poetry books out of the library and the write my favorite poems down into notebooks then I would carry them around with me and read the poems over and over. I then moved on and started buying books, my favorite at the time was poet Rod McKuen. I know this sounds silly, but I always have had a fascination with words. I am finding that the majority of quilt designs I doodle out are based upon a saying I have heard or a song I have heard. Okay I will stop here as I am sure this is more then you ever wanted to know about my little doodles.
I have zero artistic ability so it is hard for the normal person to decipher my ideas. If I wait too long I can lose it in translation myself. Polka Dot Garden came about a few years ago when I heard the quote from Grandma Moses – Life is what you make it always has been always will be. I immediately thought that if I had to choose my life would be one big happy polka dot garden and then I put it on paper. That is as far as it has gotten. Another recent doodle comes from that silly show “Even Stevens” on the Disney Channel. Louis Stevens said “If a chicken had lips could it whistle”? I could not get that out of my mind. So my interpretation was doodled out on paper. Not showing this one as you couldn’t tell my chicken from an apple. Our guild has a challenge every other year. Our challenge for the year 2008 is to make a house quilt. I really didn’t plan on participating but a few weeks ago I saw a sign in a shop that read “home is where your story begins”. I jotted it down and within minutes had my challenge quilt scribbled out on an index card I had in my purse. Of course these are just working ideas, but I thought I would show you how my mind works. I think it would be funny to have one “big” Tonya style wonky house with the saying above it. Then my family’s names, etc. ending with and they lived happily ever after.
I have a whole book of doodles. Sometimes I try to re-draw them into bigger doodles, other times I just tape the post –it or checkbook deposit slip that has been drawn on right into the book.
I have always been a lover of words. As a young girl I would check poetry books out of the library and the write my favorite poems down into notebooks then I would carry them around with me and read the poems over and over. I then moved on and started buying books, my favorite at the time was poet Rod McKuen. I know this sounds silly, but I always have had a fascination with words. I am finding that the majority of quilt designs I doodle out are based upon a saying I have heard or a song I have heard. Okay I will stop here as I am sure this is more then you ever wanted to know about my little doodles.