Halloween Eve, the festivities begin in my house tonight! My daughter is Halloween crazy. She has been watching all the horror movies on tv for the past month. As I have written before I am not a scary movie fan and usually can’t sit through them. I did make it to the last 15 minutes of Halloween the other night which has to be a record for me. When I was growing up we would go on Saturday afternoons to the large movie house in the “city” and catch the show of the week. That movie theater closed years ago but recently re-opened to show old movies now and then. Tonight they are showing “The Shining”. I have seen parts of this on tv numerous times over the years. My daughter thinks it would be so fun to go to the old movie theater and see it in the dark on the big screen. So that is the plan for tonight. My son and a few of his friends have decided to join us so we should have a good time.
Since we never get any trick or treaters at our house we are heading to town on Halloween to pass treats out at my parent’s house. The live smack dab in the middle of town and get more then there share of little goblins. Riah took an old wedding dress she had bought at a garage sale and dyed it pink. She sewed pink and black trim on it and purchased some black net stockings and gloves and a mask. She is going as the bride of something or other. We wonder if she will ever grow out of this!