I love little doll quilts. I have made quite a few just within the past couple of years. My reason for loving these little cuties are that I can easily hand quilt them. This lets me enjoy the process of creating a small quilt, the quilting part and the finishing of a project. I know I have shown most of these over the past couple of years but I thought over the next couple of weeks I will have a show and tell of some of these little quilts. It might get you excited to make a couple yourselves. They are wonderful little projects to take along during the summer sports season, camping, etc.

Always Kiss Me Goodnight was a lesson to me in making scallop borders and also using my computer for the wording.

I saw this free lesson for the Disappearing 9 patch on a blog so I just had to give it a try.

I love Jo Morton’s little quilts and this was a pattern that was included with one of the Jo Morton clubs I participated in online.
“Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” - Vincent van Gogh