Yesterday was one of those days that you hope you only have every few years. It started out okay. My daughter having put off getting her driver’s license for over a year applied for her permit a few months ago and then scheduled a drivers test. Because the law is changing in Indiana today for teenage drivers she needed to take her actual driving test before the end of day yesterday or she was going to have to wait another 6 months. We called all around and it ended up that we had to drive to a BMV over an hour and a half away to get it in by the deadline. So we had a scheduled appointment at 8:30 yesterday morning. We made it down there in plenty of time but when she went to start the car to take the test it wouldn’t start. The instructor told us that she would have to fail her. Uugggh. I had family in this town so I asked if she would give us 10 minutes to get a car as my Uncle worked at the car dealership just a block up from the BMV. No was the answer. So I now have a daughter in tears and a car that wouldn’t start. I called my Uncle and he came over to help us out with the car. He was upset that they wouldn’t let us take the test so he went in and had a few words with them. They then decided that they would try to fit her in. So we sat. My uncle left us his boat of a car for her to take the test in. They are not happy with us in the BMV as he had caused a bit of a scene so we were really feeling somewhat uncomfortable. Then here comes my Aunt with sacks of fast food as she was concerned about us sitting there all day without a meal. We were quite the spectacle. My daughter finally got to take the test and she passed. My uncle jumped our car and we headed out of town but the car died. So I have to walk across town to the car dealership to get help. They came and got the car and got it fixed for us and we were finally able to head home. I thought our story for the day ended there but it didn’t. My sister gave us an older car so my daughter would have something to drive. We went to pick it up and I drove it home. My daughter drove our car and she made a stop so I beat her home. As she was coming home, driving by herself for the first time she blew a front tire going 60 mph on the bypass. She survived it and got it changed and made it home. I told her at this point we just needed to lock the door and stay in for the night. But it was my dad’s 81st birthday and we needed to get to his little family party for him.
At the end of the day I thought about it and realized that it hadn’t been that bad of a day at all. First off we were far from home but we were in a town with family who could help us. We had car problems and my Uncle works for a dealership so we had no problems getting help with the car. We had plenty to eat and then some. My daughter experienced immediately one of the dangers of driving and hopefully her eyes have been opened somewhat and God was watching over her and kept her safe. And we were able to celebrate 81 years of my dad’s life. My healthy, happy dad. A good day indeed!
“For myself I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use being anything else.” - Sir Winston Churchill