I have recently went to our guilds quilt camp and had a wonderful time catching up with good friends and getting some sewing done. I chose to take my unfinished projects with me and I was able to get a few tops sewn together of blocks I had already finished previously to going. A few years ago our guild followed along with a freebie Pat Sloan gave us permission to use as a block of the month. I believe she called it Farmers Market. I switched it up just a tad bit to more reflect my Grandpa’s garden growing up. He had a large garden that had walking paths through it and a white picket fence around it. I have great memories of going to grandma and grandpa’s house during cherry picking time, canning time and jelly making weekends. To keep it simple and to make sure that I was able to keep up with the group I didn’t actually appliqué this but fused it instead and then hand embroidered around the fused shapes. I am happy to have it put together and out of the blocks to finish pile. It has already been sent off to Valerie to quilt so I will be able to mark another one off the list.

Good looking men. Hey we all love a good looking man and my collection of men fabrics just keeps growing. A few years back one of my quilting friends gifted me with some muscle men on the beach fabric and it has been the gift that has kept on giving. We had so much fun with that fabric and what I could use it for. Since then I have received numerous men fabrics from my friends, UPS men, firemen, Construction workers and even some little plastic muscle men that travel with us on our quilting adventures. This camp I arrived to find some patriotic hunks hanging around my table. I gathered them and some previous Halloween men friends I had received and made pillowcases.

Now if only they would gift me with a real man, maybe a good looking one that drives a maserati now that would be GIFT!