I spend a lot of time doodling. In fact I have a large book of said doodles that I hope someday will become quilts. I am heading to a 4 day retreat next month and needed to cut out a couple of projects to take along so I decided that this time I was going to sew on something I really really wanted to work on. In the end I couldn’t decide on just two so I have been busily cutting out all three projects. The first one up is my Bitchy and Unstable quilt. I found this tea towel at Paducah in 2007 and just knew it had to be made into a quilt. This gives you an idea of how I draft mine out. I am not a good drawer and I am not good at math so none of my drawings are done on graph paper to scale. I just draw them out on paper and write or draw the pattern or shape out and then just go with it. I have all my blocks cut out for this one and I plan on using Tonya’s freestyle letters around the outer border. Oh and to be shown at a later date I have the most fantastic quote from Joan Rivers that will be pieced on the back, well okay I can’t keep it to myself as I just love it so much so here goes….Don’t Cook. Don’t Clean. No man will ever make love to a woman because she waxed the linoleum –
“My God, the floor’s immaculate. Lie down, you hot bitch.” -Joan Rivers
Moving on to the second top I cut out, it is my daughters age 15 quilt. It is going to be on a black background and it will have raw edged pieced flowers. It will also have freestyle words (yes I am a junkie) which will say Daughters are flowers that are forever in bloom. The last one I cut out was my son’s graduation quilt. He has gone by the name T since he was born. In fact we don’t know if his dad has ever called him by his given name (Tanner). This one was a no brainer as the T block will work perfectly. I want to do single T’s instead the double ones that are more popular so I need 120 of them.