I would like to be playing with creating words for my Unstable quilt but instead I have spent the past day and a half cutting 2" squares. For the love of Pete I have forgotten how time consuming cutting out a large project is. Thank goodness I have coffee on my side or I would have long given up. I have cut for hours and this is all I have to show for it.

This all started because I needed a small piece of fabric for an applique I was working on last fall. I have a very small square footage home so all of my fabric is stored in totes in my garage. When I went to pull that piece of fabric that whole tote full of fabric smelled mildewy. So, I have spent the past few months washing all my fabric in vinegar and baking soda, then pressing and putting it back away. You can't imagine how much time this really takes to do. Lucky for me none of the fabric was at the point that it was more then just a slight smell. No stains or anything like that. In the process I came across so many small pieces of fabric that I just didn't want to continue storing. So I looked for a couple of scrap quilt patterns and found one that is made only of 2" squares. Perfect. The plan was to get it cut for my quilt retreat the end of January. Well that is next weekend and here the procrastinator that I am I will be cutting up until the point that I leave. But hey I am cutting again, I am sewing again, that has been a long time coming!
Last night my daughter and I had a movie night. We made little artichoke snacks, turned all the lights off and watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind. What fun. We love alien movies in my house and she and I got a kick out of it that the two places the aliens were visting was Indiana where we live and Wyoming where my son who loves sci fi movies lives. I hadn't seen that movie since it came out in the 70's. Richard Dreyfuss was so young looking and we kept thinking that the other main character was so familiar to us but we couldn't place her. Well it was Melinda Dillon who played Ralphie's mom in A Christmas Story. It was a fun night.
The courage to imagine the otherwise is our greatest resource, adding color and suspense to all our life. -Daniel J. Boorstin