Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sometimes karma can be bad. I was sitting on my couch trying to draw out a spider for a quilt I am working on when my phone dings and I get the above picture from my son. He and his brother are on a month long driving/backpacking trip out west. He came across this tarantula somewhere near where the following picture was taken. I gave up long ago trying to keep track of where they are.
When this trip finishes up my youngest son will be starting a job in Colorado and my oldest son is headed to Peru until the middle of January. I am so glad they are getting this time together. Talking about drawing, how do you plan out your quilts?? Do you only work from patterns? Do you draw out a small drawing and go from there or do you draft it out according to size? Do you make blocks and lay it out as you go? I would love to get your input as to what works best for you. I tend to make a small drawing and then usually draft a small area out by size and once I have that area done I wing it from there. Let me know how you work. Be bold. Be confident. Be alive. A gallery of possibilities awaits for you when you make change your friend. - Bob Bone


regan said...

I think I work just like you do. I start with a picture, usually an antique quilt, then draft it on graph paper. I usually only fill in the one block for sizing, then start cutting fabric. I've also been known to just wing it, and start putting stuff together, but that is usually for the scrappy pieced backs of my quilts. I do admit, that there are two quilts we use that I like the back better! lol Hmmmmmm......maybe I should start winging it more often! Yep, change is a good thing! :o)

And what an amazing trip your sons are taking. Wonderful! (Except for the spider, of course! Yuk!)

Tonya Ricucci said...

ooh, Colorado is a beautiful state. Peru, huh. that one I don't know about. eek, monster hairy spider - but at least tarantulas aren't dangerous to humans. I tend to work in bits, never knowing what the overall design will look like. Just make the thing that I'm sure of and go step by step that way.

Frog Quilter said...

A lot of the time I take a stack of blocks and design by the seat of my pants. Currently I am doing one of these. I am a no rules type of designer. Love the quilts you are posting!