This weekend I did something for the first time since moving into my little place last Thanksgiving. I pulled my sewing machine out and set it up on my dining room table and sewed. It actually wasn’t as much of a pain as I thought it would be. Set up and take down didn’t consist of much time and I didn’t have the mess I thought I might have. Our guild is having our annual retreat this September. Our theme this year is “Patchwork Pantry” and one of the projects we have been working on in advance is Pat Sloan’s Farmers Market quilt. I wanted to have mine done in advance so I needed to get my blocks together so I could appliqué the border next. So the picture above is my center all sewed together. I haven’t decided yet exactly what fabrics I will use for the borders. So far I have purchased nothing for this top it all came from my stash and I hope to continue with that theme. The couple of blocks I haven’t shown yet are the strawberries and the vase of flowers. I am worlds worst yo yo maker and to think I want to make a yo yo quilt. I have since purchased the Clover yo yo makers to help me form better ones.

On another note I have decided I am not happy with my paint colors (and I haven’t even shown you my living room yet) so I am going to start painting the kitchen and living room again tomorrow. This might take me a bit but before I paint the living room I will snap a picture and then I can show you not only the first before, but the second before. (Does that make any sense?) Hopefully I can get it right this time around!
“The home is a human institution. All human institutions are open to improvement.” - Charlotte Perkins Gilman