The long hot summer. That is what we have bequeathed this past June through August. It has been so hot that I even have to leave a fan on during the day while I am at work. As you can see from the picture Bullvye has taken his place in front of the fan and you can find him there most days. I certainly have one smart puppy!
One fun thing I did this summer was see my 3 favorite bands. I started with Pearl Jam in May, then Tom Petty in July and ended with Creed this past month. And to make it more fun, each time I went I went with a different group of friends so it made all 3 shows a different experience.
The kids are now back in school and it seems like summer is coming to a close. We are heading to St. Louis for the Labor Day weekend to watch baseball at Busch. Then the following weekend brings quilt camp. I have no idea what I will work on. Possibly all the birthday blocks I need to catch up on. Maybe camp will give me the boost I need to get quilting again!
“One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it.” – Sidney Howard