Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Scary Stuff

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Facebook can be a good thing, then; sometimes it can not be so good. I love keeping in touch with my son who lives out west via Facebook. He posts pictures of all his adventures, we can chat and message each other and that saves our cell phone minutes. But I hate days that I tune in to see what he is up to next and I see this picture of him jumping from the top of a tree that is growing out of a cliff into a river that from the picture it looks fairly shallow. The picture posted before this one has him up at the top of the tree just hanging out. He is my adventurer and I am sure he was loving every minute of this jump, his message back to my urgent message telling him to stop this stuff was that he does it all the time. No big deal, relax mom. Sometimes we just have to let them live there lives as they want, even though it is tough to do.
“Some family trees bear an enormous crop of nuts.” - Anonymous


Laura said...

OMG, I think I would have stroked out seeing that picture. I think it's good that I don't have children. I probably couldn't handle it.

sewprimitive karen said...

Oh isn't that horrifying; my son does the same things.

Jan said...

I agree with you. SCARY. So hard to let go.

Rosalyn Manesse said...

Children, children!

WoolenSails said...

I guess getting it after is nice, then you know he is safe;) I cannot imagine jumping that high with a lifejacket, that must hurt when you hit the water with it.


julieQ said...

I have an adventurer too...when he was in boy scouts, he used to do stuff like that, I was frightened to death!