Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More on Harriet Powers

The Harriet Power's bible quilt that I showed last week was the second quilt she made. The quilt above is her first one. This quilt is made of 299 applique pieces and is a diary of her spiritual life. Harriet had to sell this quilt to help out at home. She received $5 for it. Fortunately it landed in the hands of someone who knew its value. It is now in the Smithsonian.

I am still working away on my bible quilt. I have two more blocks completed. The first tells the story of the miracles of Jesus, with bread and fish. The second block tells of Daniel and the lion. I am having a lot of fun with these. I started working on the story of David and the Giant.
Tomorrow I am leaving for a four day quilt retreat. So tonight is packing night. This is also tv night for me so I need to get my act together and decide what I am going to take and get it ready before Lost and Invasion come on.


Laurie Ann said...

I love Lost too. What a great show! Have fun at your quilt retreat. I too love to eat, but hate to cook. I can do it if I have to, but don't like it! Wilbur was a lucky fellow. I thought since you knew his exact weight that it was because you were looking at cooking times!! Our turkeys haven't been so lucky. They usually have names like Soup and Enchilada!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh what a wonderful quilt! Have a WONDERFUL time at retreat! I"m totally jealous of you going to Miss Mary's!

And I forgot Lost comes on tonight! Woo Hoo!

Carolyn said...

I love your bible quilt, especially the colors you are using to tell the story. Have a wonderful time at the retreat, make sure you come home with lots of stories and pictures!

Tonya Ricucci said...

FOUR-day quilt retreat - I'm completely jealous. Have a fabulous time working on your gorgeous quilt.